Wednesday, March 14, 2012

What's For Lunch?

Hello there. So I've gotten lazy in recent weeks with health, finances, and blogging. On the food front I haven't been eating the well-balanced meals I hoped would continue through the end of the year. It's only March and I haven't lost hope yet, and I'm really great about avoiding most "bad" and fast foods, but a certain chain that is (imho) bad, unhealthy and should be unappetizing has been so darn appealing recently. I just love it. coughdeltacocough.


Dinner has become somewhat of a "whatever's in the fridge" ordeal or if we're even lazier, whatever leftovers DH may bring home from his work-provided dinner. I've been pretty good about not buying lunch (for health purposes and to save money), but my work has provided lunch fairly consistently in the past weeks so I saved a little money but I'm still eating out. I drew the line yesterday when I had a fridge full of lovely veggies all week long (bought them last Thurs at the Farmer's market. Last Thurs!) but have been too lazy to prepare and cook it, and therefore ended up buying lunch ($6) and 2 boxes of Girl Scout cookies ($8). ugh, I can't resist buying those cookies and I don't even really like them that much! Also on the list of offending foods is Trader Joes' mini chocolate chip cookies. *guilty face*

So what's the remedy?