I've found that I have absolutely no willpower as I get older, so I made a few "soft" resolutions for 2013 which, in my definition, are resolutions that I will strive to keep but will not beat myself up over if I fail to keep them. One of my "soft" resolutions this year was to cut out unnecessary sugar intake. Not too big of a challenge because I'm not really a sweets-loving kind of girl. I could live without ice cream, brownies, cupcakes, donuts...you get the picture. So after an unusual streak of polishing off mint-n-chip ice cream with DH almost every week in December, I resolved to stay away from sugary snacks. So what did I do? Less than a week after the new year started, I ate this beauty:
A delicious Sprinkles cupcake. My excuse? I'd never tried a peanut butter flavored cupcake before and therefore couldn't pass up the offer to try one. FAIL. It was
so good and it'll be difficult, but I
would eat it again in a heartbeat will try harder to stick to resist sugary temptation this year.