Monday, January 7, 2013

True Hotness

I love everything spicy. Steak, salad, pasta, my opinion, anything and everything is better with some extra hotness. My love for hot sauce started years ago with Tabasco, then moved over to Tapatio, then I almost gave up on hot sauce altogether when I was disappointed by a variety of them all promising to be "the spiciest hot sauce on earth," until I was introduced to

Trader Joe's Habanero hot sauce

Leave it to TJ's to come up with a sauce that meets my standards. It doesn't alter the taste of the foods you love, just brings the spice level up a few notches. It's definitely worth trying if you can handle spicy foods. So if you think flamin' hot Cheetos are spicy, this is not for you!

And a word of warning, the sauce quickly pours out of the bottle so tilt it over your food with caution. My brave coworker wanted to try it, accidentally poured too much, and ended up with a swollen, slightly red/burned lip after deciding to try it anyway.

But for those with a tongue of steel like mine, you will enjoy it. Thanks, Trader Joe's!

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